We create safe spaces for children, young people and families.

We see you, we hear you, we’ve got you.

13 people stand in a circle with a yellow heart and blue chevron painted on their hands. All hands are in the middle of the circle.

Who we are

Youth Inspired are a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who specialise in the mental and emotional wellbeing of our young people and their families.  

We are a collective of BACP/COSCA registered Psychotherapists/ Counsellors/ Coaches, Youth Workers, Recovery & Wellbeing Practitioners and central to our work is our collaborative approach.

Everyone at YI is heard, valued, seen and respected.
About Us
6 young people and two youth workers standing in a park

Youth Work

There’s loads of things to get involved in at the YI Youth Project and throughout the week we run different projects including our Community Youth Space and Young Persons Peer Support Group.  

Here you’ll find a safe space to be, where you’ll have fun and be involved.

We never assume that we know what’s best for you, but we pride ourselves on offering you opportunities to explore new activities, and learn new skills.

How It Works; Together, We Make A Difference

01. Understanding Challenges

We often find ourselves facing challenges that feel unmanageable, and during these times young people may respond by displaying negative or maladaptive coping behaviours. If something is scary, we avoid it and we get some relief, but there many different ways to find relief from emotional distress.  Sometimes we do things that feel like they do us more harm: self harm, gambling, negative relationships, isolation, masking, substance use, avoidance due to anxiety or low mood, all maladaptive coping behaviours that just end up adding to the unmanageability and cause more harm.

02. Knowing that one solution, doesn’t fit all

We know that one size doesn't fit all, and we welcome your individuality and personality. We understand that when we work alongside you, we have to take the time to get to know you and build a mutually respectful relationship where you can feel safe and listened to. We have years of professional and lived experience that we bring to the table. All you have got to do is walk through the door

03. Building support networks and safe spaces

We know the benefits that come from a strong community and connections. By building  supportive networks and spending time in safe, inclusive spaces, young people find strength in each other, and develop resilience. These environments are crucial for healing, growth, and building a brighter future together.

04. Pioneering solutions for long lasting change

Youth Inspired offer workshops and trainings to businesses in Glasgow and the surrounding area. We are continuously adapting our methods and exploring new approaches, to ensure that we can help businesses support their staff long term.

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